The Power of Thoughts

I’d like to be able to say that I’m strong and mighty today, that I’m a ferocious gale of vibrant female power. But the truth is that I’m in my pj’s again, sitting in my favorite chair, getting over a head cold.

Some seasons of life are like this, where I want to be a productive powerhouse, but I catch every little pesky bug that comes my way. It’s a season of restfulness and expectation, and it can be a hard place to be.

I used to be really good at this- at giving myself permission to unplug and be in a state of rest. But lately that good ol’ anxious perfectionism has been rearing its ugly head, and I find it really hard to relax.

I am discovering that when you don’t feel good and you sit for long spaces of time, the nature of your thoughts becomes very important.

Right now, my thoughts feel like the only thing I can really control. If I focus on the bad, then I feel bad. And lo and behold, if I focus on the good, then I feel good.

This is so simple and cliché, I almost hesitate to write it. But it’s a truth that never gets old or loses its power, so here it is:

I commit my thoughts to the things that I love.

Here’s to a week filled with thoughts of pumpkins and cups of tea and cold, starry nights. May you find the rest you need, and may your head be filled with magic.
